New Delhi: The Government today approved the new guidelines of the Micro & Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP), which will be implemented during the 15th Finance Commission Cycle (2021-22 to 2025-26).
The MSME-CDP scheme aims at enhancing the competitiveness and productivity of Micro & Small Enterprises by undertaking interventions such as:
Common Facility Centers (CFCs): The central government grant will be restricted to 70% of the cost of the project from Rs. 5.00 crore to Rs. 10.00 crore and 60% of the cost of the project from Rs. 10.00 crore to Rs. 30.00 crore. In the case of NE & Hill States, Island territories, and Aspirational Districts, government grants will be 80% of the cost of the project from Rs. 5.00 crore to Rs. 10.00 crore and 70% of the cost of the project from Rs. 10.00 crore to Rs. 30.00 crore. The project for CFC with a project cost of more than Rs. 30.00 crore shall also be considered but the Government assistance would be calculated by taking into account the maximum eligible project cost of Rs.30.00 crore.
Infrastructure Development: The central government grant will be restricted to 60% of the cost of the project from Rs. 5.00 crore to Rs. 15.00 crore for setting up of new Industrial Estate / Flatted Factory Complex and grant will be 50% of the cost of the project from Rs. 5.00 crore to Rs. 10.00 crore for up-gradation of existing Industrial Estate / Flatted Factory Complex. In the case of NE & Hill States, Island territories, and Aspirational Districts, the grant will be 70% of the cost of the project from Rs. 5.00 crore to Rs. 15.00 crore for setting up of new Industrial Estate / Flatted Factory Complex and 60% of the cost of the project cost from Rs. 5.00 crore to Rs. 10.00 crore for up-gradation of existing Industrial Estate / Flatted Factory Complex. The project for ID with a project cost of more than Rs. 10.00 crore/15.00 crore can also be considered but the government assistance would be calculated by taking into account the maximum eligible project cost of Rs. 10.00 crore/15.00 crore.
– global bihari bureau