Sunday Movie

Alisha, a short film adapted from a Russian story is directed by journalist and film maker Kabeer Yousuf. It is about a young successful doctor who abuses and abandons his mother (she is single) in the rat race seeking greener pastures in life. He even refuses to attend her burial, but his greed for her property was evident in his words and actions. The role of Dr. Aldrin is played by another journalist and a passionate filmmaker Anirban Ray.
Also watch: Watch the film: Beautiful Difference
Aldrin’s mother, who inspite of all abuses and insults by her son, never carried grudge. Chandni Manoj plays that role with aplomb while the young Aldrin in the movie is none other than her Son Jagan Tej Manoj.
While her neighbour Mathew who witnesses the beautiful Alisha throughout her journey as as a young, beautiful, charming girl to her final rituals is Vinod Raghavan, another journalist turned actor, who is a regular contributor of globalbihari.com from Muscat.
Director Kabeer says he had been carrying this story for quite sometime. He gave a new twist and a new treatment by using all characters in COVID era and told the story with masks and the entire background was set in dark black with no lights.
Cameraman Shahin Iqbal captured the emotions and eye expressions excellently. Azra Aleem’s magical touch with brushes and strokes have given more life to the characters.
Do watch it here and share your critical comments.
– global bihari bureau
Awsm movie… Great Going