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“We’re asking everyone to treat the decisions about where they go, what they do and who they meet with as life-and-death decisions – because they are.”
“Just because cases might be at a low level where you live, that doesn’t make it safe to let down your guard.”
Geneva: More than 15 million cases of COVID-19 had uptil now been reported to World Health Organisation (WHO), and almost 620 thousand deaths. Although all countries have been affected, the intense transmission was in a relatively small group of countries.
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“Almost 10 million cases, or two-thirds of all cases globally, are from 10 countries, and almost half of all cases reported so far are from just three countries,” Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, WHO, told mediapersons on Thursday.
WHO latest updates show USA had the highest number of 3,868,453 confirmed Covid-19 cases, followed by Brazil’s 2,159,654 cases and India’s 1,238,635 cases. Thus together they had 7266742 cases out of the global figure of 15,012,731 confirmed cases. USA also saw 141,479 COVID deaths while such deaths in Brazil and India were respectively 81,487 and 29,861. The total deaths in these three countries because of virus stood at 3, 94306 as against the total covid related deaths of 619,150.
The Director-General said the best way to suppress transmission and save lives was by engaging individuals and communities to manage their own risk and take evidence-based decisions to protect their own health and that of those around them.
“We’re asking everyone to treat the decisions about where they go, what they do and who they meet with as life-and-death decisions – because they are. It may not be your life, but your choices could be the difference between life and death for someone you love, or for a complete stranger,” he said.
He pointed out that in recent weeks there were outbreaks associated with nightclubs and other social gatherings, even in places where transmission had been suppressed. “We must remember that most people are still susceptible to this virus. As long as it’s circulating, everyone is at risk. Just because cases might be at a low level where you live, that doesn’t make it safe to let down your guard. Don’t expect someone else to keep you safe. We all have a part to play in protecting ourselves and one another,” he said.
– globalbihari bureau
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