Spirituality: Ātmā is ever-free By Swami Viditātmānand Saraswati* Nāyaṁ hanti na hanyate! (It [Ātmā] does not kill...
Spirituality: Wise see karma in akarma By Swami Viditātmānand Saraswati* The sun is still and it has...
Spirituality: Works of avatāra By Swami Viditātmānand Saraswati* Also, to re-establish dharma is also an equally important...
Spirituality: Śāstras teach dharma in the form of duties By Swami Viditātmānand Saraswati* In this manner, to maintain...
Spirituality: If you were to take birth, under what circumstance? By Swami Viditātmānand Saraswati* Vivek (discrimination) and vairāgya...
Spirituality By Swami Viditātmānand Saraswati* We believe that we are able to explain everything by logic but...
Spirituality By Swami Viditātmānand Saraswati* “O Arjun, you are right, my birth is not possible in any...
Spirituality By Swami Viditātmānand Saraswati* What is the real ‘svarūpa‘ of ‘ahaṁ‘? In this manner, prasādabuddhi and...
Spirituality: Anger arises from Desire By Swami Viditātmānand Saraswati* Behind each of the impulses of anger, there...
Spirituality: Anger And Greed By Swami Viditātmānand Saraswati* Krodha and Lobha (Anger and Greed): Anger and greed...