Sunday Snippets: Daydreaming of an India win at FIFA World Cup
By Venkatesh Raghavan
I and Amir were seated at the middle table of the Irani Café which was meant for the use of family crowds, doing nothing but daydreaming. We did order two plates of chicken patties with black tea to wash them with. With both of us daydreaming about an India win at FIFA World Cup soon, our talks went somewhat along these lines.
Amir: Two major upsets have occurred at the current World Cup fixture being held in Qatar. What do you make of it?
Me: In my opinion, the expression “glorious uncertainties” should not be restricted to cricket. It should get expanded to accommodate other sports too.
Amir: Do you remember when the Kenyan team beat the West Indies in a World Cup fixture? There were wild celebrations in the country.
Me: You have set my thought chain on achieving a euphoric moment. I want the Indian football team to win the World Cup. I can see it happening soon.
Amir: What on earth do you mean by near future? We are nowhere near even qualifying for the final group of 32 countries to participate in the tournament.
Me: Do you remember Amir, when during the preparations for the Commonwealth Games in India, we had to call the army to step in and reconstruct a collapsed portion of the footbridge?
Amir: What’s that got to do with winning a World Cup football tournament? I am unable to establish any link in your thought chain.
Me: I would cite something more fascinating. Our army was able to perform a surgical strike on enemy territory at short notice. Do you remember the news?
Amir: You are getting still far and I am unable to get your stream of thought.
Me: With such efficient and obedient men at our command, we just have to ask our army to produce a football team that will prove to be world beaters. I strongly feel that given the time, they can easily execute our request and deliver us the coveted Cup. Besides, it won’t take much of their resources. At the most twenty of them will be involved in football, preparing themselves to act promptly.
Amir: Are you mad?
Me: Amir, we should take an example from what the United States did soon after World War II ended. They used their soldiers to build highways and other infrastructure during the peacetime their country enjoyed. Being bestowed with peacetime, our army too can get involved in sporting endeavours in the global arena.
Amir: You seem to be proposing that the Indian army is a quick-fix solution for whatever things that are ailing our country. Tomorrow if there is a financial meltdown, you would want the army to step in and take control of our economy. I feel your thought stream rests on oversimplification.
Me: Not at all Amir. Just think of what would happen once we win the soccer world cup. Football will get widely popularized in our country and it will result in more and more enthusiasm. This will give rise to an entire set of ancillary industries that will assist soccer players and soccer fans.
Amir: I have a healthy respect for our men in uniform. I am, however, unsure about their ability to scour pipedreams.