I Am Water – Part 3
By Dr. Rajendra Singh*
(Translated from Hindi by Deepak Parvatiyar, Member, World Water Council)
Also read:
Life Crisis
I am the balm that cures illness. I wash away the sins and dirt. I am used for bathing, for cooking. I am the pain reliever of all. I have decided to purify all. I want to make the body and soul of humans like me only. My very existence is for Dharma, Arth (Wealth), Kama (Sensory Enjoyment) and Moksha (Salvation). I am the means to attain them.
My life is dedicated to Humans and entire Nature. I behave in the same way the people treat me. If they treat me with good intention, I am good to them. I am not a soothing balm for everyone but only for those who love me, give me respect, are in harmony with me and are virtuous. Whoever is vicious, I treat him viciously. My gestures make me as well as entire world virtuous. Because I am life, I exist to make others live. My intention is always to make others my own.
Man is very greedy. His greed to make more and more profit never diminishes. Being selfish, he forgets me. He believes the I am the carrier of dirt and filth and behaves in the same manner with me. I keep carrying and cleaning human filth. Still I am not tired. I will keep working as per my strength but humans will have to understand. I try to make them understand but they have shut their eyes.
They don’t treat me as their life, but consume me like a commodity. When they treat me like a commodity, I become angry and express my anger in the form of floods and droughts. In 2019, I had demonstrated both these forms. In Bihar, earlier the people used to face my anger in the form of flood only. But this time half of the state had to also face drought.
We use a medicine in a disciplined manner to get rid of our ailment and provide us health. I am also like medicine that works of the benefit of human beings. Those who give me love and respect, I cure them. But if they insult me for their greed and misuse me, then I fill their lives with misery causes by flood and droughts, make them jobless and increase their sufferings by creating diseases.
I am not for the enjoyment of human beings. I wish to remind them about this fact that I can cause calamities. Wherever humans treat me with love and respect, I become their panacea for calamities and ensure they get rid of floods and droughts. I have been doing this all over the world. I have done this in hundreds of villages including Gopalpura, Mandalvaas, Deori in Alwar district of Rajasthan. I have worked as a balm to relieve the pains of the people in Burandi, Kansas and many other villages that fall on Agrani river at the Kotey Mankaal region of Sangli district and Marathwada district in Maharashtra.
Bazar, industry and greedy humans are the obstacle in my work to assuage people in the form of balm. They don’t want me to be the balm but they serve their own vested interest by exploiting me, polluting me and encroaching me that brings misery to the lives of honest, simple and good people. I recognise them.
Those who use me in pure form, I become their holy bath and work for their good health by becoming their life. The type of faith one has in me, I treat him in the same way. I am the cure of all diseases. Who knows this fact, treats me in the same way. I cure them who believe in me and know how to use me as their medicine. Those who treat me only for pleasure and fun, to them I could be of fun but only for a short period. I can never become saviour of their lives. I am saviour only of those who allow me to be used as medicine, who wash away their sins with me but without making me a sinner. Many people wash away their sins by using me but then make me a sinner too. I become the good deed of those who wash away their sins with my help but ensure that I remain pure. But there are only a few such persons. I am but only their balm.
I make things connect. I connect the five elements. I am the most important thing responsible for their fusion. I keep together all other elements. Without my presence in the earth particles, soil cannot be formed. There won’t be rains without my presence in the sky. My presence enables fire provide life, run it and sustain it. I mix with air to run life.
I alone make or break the mood of weather. I make climate by coming in contact with air. I am climate. I cure the fever of earth and improve the mood of weather. First of all, I cooled this universe which was a fire ball. Gradually, because of my soluble character, I could dissolve 109 or the total 118 elements and make the earth, a ball of fire, cooler. Wherever possible, I could use my fusion quality to the optimum.
I transformed fire into earth. In the process first I changed Igneous state to earthly state and then made effective use of wind energy. In my absence, abrasive air was fanning the fire. I made abrasive air benevolent and then only air cooperated by facilitating breathing to sustain life. This is the way how I combine with other elements to sustain life. Whatever work that I have done for myself, among them combining the five elements and the cosmos is my main work. Only I can perform this work. My speciality is that I connect everything and don’t break it. Leaving aside 9 elements, I can dissolve myself in the rest or make them dissolved in me. I am there in every form of liquid and that is the reason that I can perform such a task.
To continue…
*Dr. Rajendra Singh is an internationally acclaimed water conservationist and is also known as the Waterman of India. The views expressed are personal.
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