New World And Biological Weapon
By Kaushal Kishore*
After the new Chinese law in Hong Kong, India raised this issue in the Security Council of the United Nations. Indeed, it’s an excellent diplomatic move since the security council membership and face-off at Galwan Valley. People of Hong Kong, including Indian origin citizens, have been seeking help ever since they started protest against Chinese hegemony. This infringement of civil rights provokes UK and Australia to offer citizenship to its residents. Nothing is better if the freedom, peace and prosperity of its people is ensured there soon. The rising restrictions on the economic fronts and dialogues on diplomatic platforms are a couple of peaceful ways ahead. Meanwhile, Beijing invited the World Health Organisation (WHO) team to investigate the controversial biological weapon. In February, Tom Cotton, Senator of Arkansas in the United States raised questions on its source of origin only to be debunked in the mainstream (New York Times, 2020). Cotton refers to The Lancet paper dealing with missing links between the wet market and first victims of new Coronavirus (LAN, 2020). Today, being the WHO executive board Chairman, it is one of India’s duties to ensure the probe is carried out unbiased, while separating the fact and fictions apart, establishing the truth, thereby leading the world towards a better direction with the rays of new hopes.
Now almost all of us are in a new world with more than ten million infections worldwide. India, after the United States and Brazil, tops the world over in recent days. Thank God, the death rate of COVID-19 is low. The Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had promised for cooperation in the case of epidemics at Wuhan a couple of years back. Now the Sino-India dream of Deng, founder of Chinese Corpocracy, has shattered to remind one of the words of an agreement and to defeat spirits of many others in the process. At this juncture, when the world at large seems to be fighting the pandemic like a war, creating tension on the border is a new method of cooperation, no? At last, Mao’s widow Jiang Qing is known to have commited suicide after going through the prison and trial on TV (NYT, 1991). It unfolds in the 21st century with the sacrifices of dedicated member of Chinese Communist Party (CPP), Dr Li Wenliang and other health care practitioners and military personnel. The day-by-day deployments of security forces by Pakistan and Nepal on the border indicate the preparations to please China. Socialist leader George Fernandez has referred to them as number one enemy. The gain of function grant added new twist as to how the corona virus was weaponised in the Chinese lab on American funding.
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Mystery is scattered around the twenty miles between the Wuhan lab, where the virus was catalogued, and the place of outbreak at Huanan SeaFood Market. The infection due to the viruses like SARS and MERS is not new. Last December veteran British journalist Isabel Hilton started a series of questions about the Wuhan virus. Next month, the young journalist from Gujarat, Shelley Kasli has carried it further with a paper published eight years ago in the issue of The New England Journal of Medicine dealing with the discovery of new Coronavirus at Jeddah in Saudi Arabia (NEJM, 2012). The virus travelled to the Netherlands and Canada before the Bat Queen finally received it at Wuhan in March 2019. The mysterious case of its trafficking from the National Microbiology Lab (NML) at Winnipeg in Canada is in the frame (GGI, 2020). The job terminations of a Chinese couple, Xiangguo Qiu and Keding Cheng at NML is believed to be on account of the dangerous biological weapon. In the US, author of Destroying Libya and World Order, Prof. Francis Boyle and the Republican Senator Tom Cotton revealed the secrets to lead the state authorities during the pandemic and lockdowns. President Donald Trump has been vocal since coining the new term Chinese Virus. One of the top US scientists Anthony Fouci, who is more reliable than Trump in some of the sections of the American society, has been subjected to an investigation due to the million dollars grant on the gain of function work to same Chinese lab. Its director Bat Queen Shi Zhengli has accumulated a collection of deadliest pathogens. This Lab was built in collaboration with France. The Chinese intentions are further revealed by the French architect since they left China. The challenge of the day is to spare facts from narratives and propaganda.
Apart from health and border there are other challenges as well. In the southern India, Tuticorin Police has ultimately finished Felinx and his father at Shantakulam. The issue can shame all embarrassments of the Nirbhaya case from the national capital. The Kanpur killings of eight policemen by Dubey Gang at Chaubepur, and thereafter the encounter of the gangster are yet another scenes during the lockdowns. Police is in picture these days since the extra judicial killing of George Floyd in the United States that metamorphosed into a series of protests with the Black Lives Matter banner across the globe. The Presidential election in United States and assembly election in Bihar before the end of the year are sufficient to make the election season sensational. The series of tensions along with BLM protests are swelling in different areas. The wide scope of CCP funding and contract is added further. The Union Home Ministry has initiated the probe into Chinese funding of Rajiv Gandhi Foundation and two other institutions dominated by the INC President, Sonia Gandhi. Rahul Gandhi retaliates with questions on Chinese company funding in PM Care Funds. The Chinese funding of Observer Research Foundation (External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar’s son Dhruva Jaishankar is its part) makes rounds of the news. The same fundings in prestigious American media institutions like the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post is yet another burning reality. The covert funding routed through other than the Chinese destinations is still out of the list. Such investments are based on certain strategic objectives and locations.
The politician started career as a KGB spy finally turns into an all new Russian Czar. Three points from Putin can invite attentions. He has shifted the position on the controversial biological weapon theory against the PRC, when agreed to sponsor its proposed inquiry with Australia. The Republic of China or Taiwan is yet another similar issue. Now the three parties’ dialogue is in progress. Who can play referee better than Russia in case the superpower divides into pieces? The seventy per cent vote after the referendum confirms to it. The statesmanship of the European standard or an effort to remove the tag to follow the dragon! It deserves debates and discussions. At this critical juncture Third Pole and division of the world into Chinese Economic Market and American Economic Market across it is clearly visible. The restrictions on the Chinese investment and supply chain in many parts of the world and James Bond like resilience can teach how to hit multiple targets with few arrows. Fear of arm twisting since the constitutional amendment on presidential tenure lead a part of the Chinese Corpocracy and Politburo to shift investments at safe destinations. And Russia is the highway for the likes of Edward Snowden. Meanwhile public in China has rushed to banks to withdraw money from their accounts fearing the failure of these banks (Business Today, 2020).
The government of United States stopped WHO funding and disconnected terms with the apex body on public health. At the same time allowed American elites like Bill Gates to go ahead. The high profile leaders and role of the WHO in the vaccine business are now parts of the debate. Its virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan (Yan Limeng) is known to follow the Wuhan virus since the initial warning by the end of December. She does not see the possibility of her life and safety in China and Hong Kong (FOX, 2020). It can remind the old adage that truth fears nothing except being hidden. Dragon’s wrath and the plight of Rohinghya Muslims in Burma is in news for quite sometimes. Myanmar is trying hard to raise its concerns against them now. The condition of Uigher Muslims in Xinjiang is yet another issue that Muslim world has long abandoned on the mercy of the unknown, and it seems the Tibetan Buddhists are still remaining to perform the last rites of sacraments. If the Quad platform and Japan initiate efforts to ensure their comeback to Tibet, the peace in the Himalayas can be restored. Nepali Congress has raised the issue of Chinese expansionism, and the students ventured out to protest in front of the Chinese Embassy to support voices of the middle country (Madhesh). The dragon seems to be afraid of the truth that deals with the corona virus and loose its clout in these regions.
The messages from the poles need to decipher accurately. Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Ladakh to declare the end of expansionism. Shrinking of dragon is out of context, so long as creeping two steps forward then one step back is in practice. After the face-off at the Himalayas, the trade-off in the market is turning into a reality. What if trade between the two nations reduces to basic necessities on traditional principles instead of prevailing civilization based on greed and profiteering? The Modi-Shah duo is committed to turn this turbulent phase into the opportunity with the idea of self dependence and vocal for local slogan. The outcome of new Hong Kong initiative and the old memory of Vietnam are also not out of context. Development and expansionism are two different terms of the same group, however, before meeting with its destiny the expansionist civilizations are trying hard to find the heights of cultural evolution. The humanity, enriched with the consciousness of Buddha and Gandhi, is bound to pay for it, in case failed to settle these Himalayan blunders and restore peace that was evolved on its heights.
Tibet as a buffer zone between the two great Asian powers witnessed trade on the Silk Route much before the advent of Tibetan Buddhism that imbibed the Shang-Shung cultures and Bon religion long after the age of Gautam Buddha in India and Nepal. These followers of the Buddha with their Therwad found Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj suitable to hold in the hands, while demanding for Tibetan independence in exile. The dialogue on total disarmament, concept of nonviolent nation-state, and decentralised system of governance among indigenous communities are some of the significant Tibetan issues during this phase of Chinese hegemony. These issues need adequate attention and critical thinking to settle the Himalayan blunders. Today the world can better decipher equations between the humanity and the nature. Herein Gandhi and Buddha are the best source of reference from modern and ancient history.
President Obama introduced restrictions on certain virus related experiments in the United States. As a consequence, the gain of function research initiated involving the Wuhan lab. China has not been forthcoming with information that includes whether in Wuhan any gain of function work was actually done in order to enhance the natural bat derived Coronavirus to make it more lethal. Infection of COVID-19 has been spreading despite heat and rain to defeat experts. The world is suffering from a combination of crises due to the Coronavirus that is often referred as biological weapon in association with People’s Republic of China, United States of America and the new corporate nation-states. The probe and its trial in association with World Health Organisation will take its time. Meanwhile the new world with pain and panic of pandemic, lockdowns, recession, inflation, job cuts and war like situation on civil and defense fronts seems to absorb these shocks.
(NYT, 2020) Senator Tom Cotton Repeats Fringe Theory of Coronavirus Origins Alexandra Stevenson New York Times, February 17, 2020 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/17/business/media/coronavirus-tom-cotton-china.html (retrieved on July 11, 2020)
(Lancet, 2020) Prof Chaolin Huang, Yeming Wang, Prof Xingwang Li, Prof Lili Ren, Prof Jianping Zhao, Yi Hu. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China The Lancet, January 24, 2020. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30183-5/fulltext (retrieved on July 10, 2020)
(NYT, 1991) Suicide of Jiang Qing, Mao’s widow, is reported New York Times, June 5, 1991 p. 1 https://www.nytimes.com/1991/06/05/obituaries/suicide-of-jiang-qing-mao-s-widow-is-reported.html (retrieved: July 10, 2020)
(NEJM, 2012) Fouchier, Ron A.M. Ali Moh Zaki, Sander van Boheemen, Theo M. Bestebroer, Albert D.M.E. Osterhaus. Isolation of a Novel Coronavirus from a Man with Pneumonia in Saudi Arabia The New England Journal of Medicine, November 8, 2012, p. 1814-1820
(GGI, 2020) Coronavirus Bioweapon: How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It, Great Game India January 26, 2020 https://greatgameindia.com/coronavirus-bioweapon/ (retrieved on July 2, 2020)
(Business Today, 2020) China places restrictions on large cash withdrawals amid rising NPAs, bank runs. Business Today, July 9, 2020 https://m.businesstoday.in/story/china-places-restrictions-on-large-cash-withdrawals-amid-rising-npas-bank-runs/1/409345.html (retrieved on July 12, 2020)
(FOX, 2020) Chinese virologist accuses Beijing of coronavirus cover-up, Fox News July 10, 2020 By Barnini Chakraborty, Alex Diaz, Interview: Dr. Li Meng Yan (Yan Limeng) https://www.foxnews.com/world/chinese-virologist-coronavirus-cover-up-flee-hong-kong-whistleblower/ (retrieved on July 12, 2020)
*Kaushal Kishore is a member of All India Panchayat Parishad from Bihar. The writer is the author of The Holy Ganga (Rupa, 2008), Managing Editor of Panchayat Sandesh. His column, Across The Lines, appears in vernacular publications. The published article is his own views.
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