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Sunday Mindgames
By P. Shivanand*
How To Stop The Runaway Train?
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How to stop the Runaway Train of Anxiety, Nervousness and Fear? In this article, we will examine and find solutions for managing STRESS, harnessing and converting negative energy into a positive resource. They are natural and to a large extent desirable too! When understood and identified it can be managed, harnessed and put to positive use each time and every time!
I belonged to the first category till I understood the reasons for Anxiety, Nervousness and the resultant Fear. In the first two articles of the series on Glossophobia, I have explained about my trials and tribulations.
Also read:
Glossophobia : Fear Of Public Speaking
Beyond Glassophobia – Impossible to ‘I am possible’
Recognizing the symptom
Specifically what causes – anxiety, nervousness and fear related to Public Speaking or speaking in public?
It essentially emerges from:
- Prior: Unsatisfactory experience (s)
- Lack of:
o Positive: Mindset
o Prepare: 5 Ws and 1 H (Who, What, Why, Which, When, Where and How)
o Practice: Practice makes it perfect; rehearse but do not memorise
o Anticipating: Likely questions, last minute changes in the schedule, venue…
How to stop the runaway train?
Some of the time tested techniques which can be performed anywhere and at anytime are:
- Deep breathing also known as abdominal breathing – 03 minutes
- Sit comfortably on chair, preferably in a noise free atmosphere with good ventilation
- Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing retain your posture till the end of this session
- Breathe-in and out from the nostril only and it should be deep
- Observe cool fresh air going into body and hot consumed air coming out
- Become aware of the movements of your abdomen, particularly the diaphragm
- Feel your stomach expanding when you breathe-in and contract when you breathe-out
- With practice you will feel your body and your mind relaxing
- Part by part relaxation – 05 minutes
- Sitting in same position with your eyes closed for the duration of this session
- Relax and consciously loosen your muscles
- Mentally visit and concentrate and focus on each vital part / organ of your body one at a time
- Start with the souls of the feet and move up slowly and gradually, pausing at each part and silently thanking that organ for supporting you 24/7
- Maintain a relaxed smiling face at all times
- Sounds of silence -05 minutes without music followed by 03 minutes with light instrumental music
- Having completed deep breathing and part by part relaxations technique
- Close your eyes and open your mind!
- While maintaining normal breathing, try and listen to all sounds around you and distinguish them
- As you relax more and more sounds will be noticeable to you
- Before concluding this session and opening your eyes, please join both your palms in the Namaste position and gently rub them together and foment your eyes. You can now open your eyes
- Some pranayams that will positively soothe your nerves, relax your body and calm your mind are:
- “AUM” technique, sit comfortably
AAA sound
o Take a deep breath
o Open your mouth with a wide aperture while maintaining a round shape
o Produce the sound ‘AAA’ originating at the pit of your stomach
o Repeat this 3 times
OOO sound
o Once again take a deep breath
o Open your mouth with less aperture
o Produce the sound ‘OOO’ originating inside at your chest level
o Repeat this 3 times
MMM sound
o Once again take a deep breath
o Close your mouth fully
o Now produce the humming sound ‘MMM’ originating inside your mouth, it is a nasal sound
o Repeat this 3 times
Finally the ‘AUM’ sound together
o Take a long deep breath
o Now bring out the sound ‘AAA’, ‘OOO’ and ‘MMM’ one after the other in the same breath
o The mouth aperture will change accordingly as explained above
o Repeat this 3 times
o Before conscluding this session and opening your eyes, foment your eyes with your palms
Please note the ‘AUM’ technique is extremely simple and very beneficial. Its regular practice, positively impacts Voice and its Modulation I have personally followed it for years and it given amazing results not just while speaking but also in day to day activities that require concentration, focus, agility, vigour, vitality and endurance.
Conclusion: When I make things very simple by eliminating the ‘mumbo-jumbo’ people feel that it is common sense, but then common sense does not seem to be so common!
So here is the final wisdom Gem or Nugget for you.
When you own your breath, no one can steal your peace– Author Unknown
*P. Shivanand is a renowned management Guru based in Bengaluru. He is Co-Founder and Director Accord Consultants Private Limited, Bengaluru, India. In these columns he provides professional guidance on self-development topics. Readers can write to him for more consultations. For globalbihari.com readers, his first three consultations would be totally free of cost.
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Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.
Enjoyed reading Mr Shivanand s article . He is a master in his craft . Many thanks for sharing his positive articles
Sujit Mukherjee
Very appreciate article at this time when so many of us are suffering from stress.
Very good and simple practice suggested to keep oneself healthy happy and fit
Thank youShivanand