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New Delhi: The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday approved the proposal for leasing out three airports of Airports Authority of India (AAI) at Jaipur, Guwahati and Thiruvananthapuram through Public Private Partnership (PPP).
The Union Cabinet accorded its approval for leasing of the three airports for “Operation, Management and Development” to Adani Enterprises Ltd, who was declared as the successful bidder in a Global Competitive Bidding conducted by the Airports Authority of India, for a period of fifty years.
“These projects will bring efficiency in service delivery, expertise, enterprise and professionalism apart from harnessing the needed investments in the public sector,” a Cabinet press release stated on Wednesday.
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The government had earlier leased out the Airports Authority of India’s airports at Delhi and Mumbai on Public Private Partnership for Operation, Management and Development about a decade ago. “While these PPP experiments have helped create world class airports and helped in delivery of efficient and quality services to the airport passengers, it has also helped AAI in enhancing its revenues and focusing on developing airports and Air Navigation infrastructure in the rest of the country,” it stated.
I further claimed that the revenue received by AAI from PPP partners enabled AAI to create infrastructure facilities in Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities and also to upgrade their airports to international standards. It pointed out that the PPP airports in India were consistently ranked among the top 5 in their respective categories by the Airports Council International (ACI) in terms of Airport Service Quality (ASQ).
Therefore, the release said, Government decided to lease out more airports of AAI for Operation, Management and Development under PPP through Public Private Partnership Appraisal Committee (PPPAC). Government also constituted an Empowered Group of Secretaries (EGoS) to decide on any issue falling beyond the scope of PPPAC.
PPPAC approved the transaction documents. The entire bidding process was carried out under the supervision and directions of EGoS which comprised of representatives of NITI Aayog, Department of Expenditure and Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) of Ministry of Finance (MoF).
Airports Authority of India released Request for Proposal on 14.12.2018 through global competitive bidding wherein per passenger fee is the bidding parameter. The technical bids were opened on 16.02.2019 and the financial bids of the qualified bidders were opened on 25.02.2019/ 26.02.2019. M/s Adani Enterprises Ltd. has won all the bids by quoting highest per passenger fee for all the three airports i.e. Jaipur, Guwahati and Thiruvanathapuram.
– globalbihari bureau
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