WFH: It is advisable to get professional help
Mumbai: The COVID19 Pandemic has forced all to adapt to new work environment. It has disrupted both work and home life balance. The need is to Deliver to Survive and Sustain.
As per Forbes, if working from home has found you distracted and struggling to meet your goals, consider breaking big targets into bite-size tasks. By thinking of objectives in terms of smaller steps, the prospect of achieving them will feel a lot more manageable.
Juggling the personal and the professional isn’t easy, especially for working parents. And with many children homebound due to coronavirus closures, parents have found themselves with a seemingly impossible task: serve as a full-time caregiver and educator, all while attempting to work from home (WFH). Sound familiar?
Before the coronavirus changed life as we know it, it’s likely you worked from home every once in a while. Maybe you tried telecommuting when a heavy rains due to monsoon swept through town, or when a furniture delivery that was scheduled to arrive before noon came closer to dinner time. You checked email, made a call or two and took stock of what could wait until your return to the office. But when you’re remote full-time, that’s just not sustainable. After a few days without structure you may find yourself in one of the two camps: those who can’t motivate themselves to start working, and those who can’t convince themselves to stop.
Millions of Americans have seen their careers completely transformed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, often with no choice in the matter. While your team’s transition to telecommuting may have been out of your control, how you respond to the disruption is entirely up to you. Research suggests that there’s no better time to pursue self-improvement than when uncertainty abounds—if that’s the case, you couldn’t be better positioned to set yourself up for success.
When one is working from home and out from under the watchful eye of a manager, it can be difficult to motivate oneself to get down to business—add the stress of living through a public health crisis, and it may feel downright impossible.
Not to give your whiplash, but remember all that talk about the importance of having a routine while working remotely? Well, it turns out there may be an argument for going off script. Schedules offer a degree of certainty and comfort, and when your are working from home, it can be especially easy to fall into a pattern of doing the same things at the same times and in the same ways. But it’s not human nature to be so predictable. A break from the monotony can help you find a greater sense of clarity and creativity.
If you have learned anything from this collective WFH experiment, it’s likely that most meetings can be emails, and most business trips can be videoconferences. While you’re questioning the status quo, use this time to rethink some of the tasks on the to-do list.
The coronavirus pandemic has forced millions of people to put their lives on hold, including professional aspirations such as new projects and promotions. There are three steps you can take to ensure your career continues to grow. If you’ve found yourself becoming increasingly indecisive of late, you’re not alone. Your mind relies on past experiences to inform decisions, and when everything you knew just a few months ago is now out of date, it has to work overtime to process all of the new information coming your way, making even the simplest of choices seemingly impossible.
Over the past few weeks, you’ve likely read at least a dozen articles about staying productive during the pandemic. Some encourage you to take advantage of this time to write a book, learn a language or accomplish all the things you’ve been saying you’d do if only there were a few more hours in the day. Others tell you to take it easy—after all, we are living through a pandemic.
The prevailing situation has also resulted in professional consultants who now focus on guiding through the challenges of working from home. But is it worth giving them a try?

“We share practical insights to manage work from home related challenges and expectations along with Emotions, Stress, Burnout and Fatigue,” says Jayesh Bahadur, Founder and CEO of Mumbai based Kachi Sozo Business Services. He says his organisation has devised a three hour virtual training program on “Work From Home – Stay Upbeat”.

Honore Sachchidanand Prasad, a Bengaluru-based hands-on behavioural specialist, coach and mentor, with 39 years of professional experience, says there has been an ever growing demand for professional assistance to overcome the challenges that working from home is today posing. “I am getting ever growing number of calls to facilitate session on working from home even from Mumbai,” he says. He stresses that today, when there is anxiety everywhere, the onus is on specialists like him to design and help individuals, professionals, home makers and family members to cope with WFH scenario. “The onus is on us to offer hands-on-tips to effectively manage WFH related challenges and expectations and help professionals overcome emotions, stress, burnout and fatigue under these changed circumstances,” he avers.
As Caryn Sullivan says “In the face of adversity, we have a choice. We can be bitter, or we can be better. Those words are my North Star.” WFH is the new normal. It is better to adapt to the situation sooner than later and of course expert advice is always helpful. “We also issue a virtual certificate of participation on completion of our sessions,” Jayesh Bahadur said.
This does reflect on the way industry is preparing itself to cope up with a prolonged WFH scenario.
– globalbihari bureau