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Inner Warrior: A Journey to Self Recovery
– globalbihari bureau
Pune: A facebook invitation for a book launch on last Sunday was eye catching. All it said was:
“Welcome you all to BOOK LAUNCH OF ‘INNER WARRIOR’ by Jayaa Shetty.
Author and Academician will be with us LIVE on FACEBOOK on 10th MAY at 5PM at CAFE JOSHUA page to launch her book for the world.
In this testing time of Corona, come join me and let us seek some light, energy and cheer from Jayaa when she shares struggle of warrior within all of us.”

Indeed this unconventional launch, necessitated by the lockdown in face of COVID-19 pandemic, was itself a fitting tribute to the author. Didn’t she emerge a winner while facing one of life’s extreme challenges once again?
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Afterall, what do you do when you are hounded by life’s extreme challenges? Do you sit and wait for the tide to change,or do you deal with the problems with an objective,rational and solution-oriented mindset?
In life, we deal with different experiences, but the choices we make determine where we want to see ourselves.
Even the book is all about emerging out of life’s vicissitudes!
Inner Warrior – A Journey to Self Recovery is about one woman’s journey of self-discovery,self-repair and self-motivation,that helped her overcome life’s toughest of adversities. This woman is the author herself! It is a true story about her journey through life’s turmoil and beauty and understanding her ‘self’. In the book, she takes us on a journey of self-reflection citing examples of various tragic and life-changing encounters that led to her philosophy of problem-solving. It’s not just a philosophical rendition of experiences,rather a carefully thought-out scientifically-proven set of techniques of self-help. It’s all about the awareness of the opportunities that exist around us, and how one can use the available resources to address the problems at hand.
Jayaa believes in the laws of nature and has learned in her own journey how it operates. She has risen from the throes of pain to the ethos of joy. She has met from Sadhguru to Dalai Lama and has travelled the length and breadth of the world in her journey of self-recovery and growth. As she says,”there’s one life to be lived,live it to the hilt,and one day it shall end but if you have touched a million hearts,you have lived an eternity with them”.
The book is a testament to how one can not only endure pain,but also beat the odds with simple reorientation of thoughts. Rather than blaming the outside world for her shortcomings, she started looking and delving deeper within for answers. She was curious at all times and was willing to learn the tools that the universe provided!
Undoubtedly Jayaa, who had earlier also authored a book on poems called The White Rose is a dreamer and a trapeze artist. She firmly believes that ‘Life is a dance within and without’. Her journey has taken her from the depths of sorrow to the peaks of great joy. She’s intuitive to the nuances of life and has taken steps to hone it further. This has taken her to places that she dreamed of and to meet people that she wanted to. She started by writing morning pages which led her to write for people who will face similar or worse situations, to let them know they must not ever give up. It’s about never quitting on yourself. As she says, “to me, it’s a small, simple book about being resilient despite the strifes in life”. No doubt she wrote this book is about the strength and solace she found through taking various measures to bring about equipoise.
While reading Jayaa go through the story of her life, and how she maintained her outlook and her dignity, it is impossible to miss that she never gave up hope. Her joy for life could not be suppressed and that she could always find ways to flourish in all aspects of life. She could do it triumphantly; and this book is evidence of that. Yet one thing is constant. She continues to wear the challenges on her sleeve. As she told globalbihari.com: “I’ve not been able to do much for the book as in promotion because it was published and lockdown happened.” But then, she knows how to meet such challenges. Indeed![the_ad_placement id=”sidebar-feed”]