The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to fore the importance of balanced diet
Dr. Anamika Bhargav is a freelance dietician and nutrition expert from Jammu and Kashmir. She is dealing with overall wellness, weight management, Mental health , lifestyle etc. She did MS in Dietetics and food service management and professional diploma in nutrition. She also did her engineering in Biotechnology and also has a research on nanobiotechnology and herbal foods to her credit.
For the readers of Global Bihari, she charts out the diet plan for the year 2022.
The best New Year resolution is to determine to learn about healthy eating and get off diets (short term eating protocols) forever.
Get non-foods out of your life. Anything that comes in a package or box, and has more than one ingredient. No sugar, or processed vegetable oils. Artificial sweeteners. Sodas. Anything made of flour or wheat.
Drink more water.
Eat fruits and vegetables.
Cook more food at home, and you’ll give yourself freedom from food guilt.
Learn about healthy fats: olive oil, coconut oil, seeds (hemp seeds are great), nuts, non GMO fish and eat plenty of them.
Learn about antioxidants and eat all of the antioxidant foods you can get your hands on. Basic ones are resveratrol (from grapes) and quercetin (from onions). Eat a wide variety of high nutrient foods. Your goal is to stay healthy forever. If you are healthy you will not be over weight, and you will look good, and you will enjoy your life.
*Presented by Rameez Makhdoomi