Rome: Designed to balance and optimize all the components of our ecosystem sustainably, the Food and Agriculture...
Plastics are used for everything from seedling trays and irrigation tubing to pesticide containers and livestock feed...
It takes 1000 years to produce just a few centimetres of topsoil. Still, the equivalent of one...
FAO’s Director-General addresses the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture in Berlin Rome/Berlin: Reversing soil degradation is...
Soil, land, water. These are the basics, the building blocks of our agrifood systems, and supply over...
New FAO report on land and water resources paints an alarming picture Pressures on land and water...
Rome: While soil salinization poses considerable threat to global food security, many countries still lack adequate capacity...
Rome: Two practical instruments – GSOCseq and a technical manual, designed to encourage soil organic carbon maintenance...