Sunday Snippets: When a porn star trumps Trump!
By Venkatesh Raghavan
I and my friend Amir were trumpeting about Trump’s trumping by a porn star after downing two cups of Irani lemon tea outside the Trump Tower early Sunday morning. Donald Trump becomes the first US President to be indicted after serving the land’s highest office. He was indicted by the Grand Jury of Manhattan in a case of hush money paid to adult film actress Stormy Daniels during Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. He is likely to fly from Florida to New York to appear before the court on April 4, 2023. While debating the pros and cons of his indictment and still-unspecified criminal charges, our conversation was somewhat along these lines.
Amir: The exact charges pressed against the former United States of America President Donald Trump are still to make it to the public domain. However, media leaks in Washington claim that payments were made to a porn star prior to Trump’s election victory in the 2016 presidential race.
Me: I strongly feel that American porn stars suffer from a lack of ambition. They should be groomed to think right when an opportunity knocks at their door.
Amir: No idea what you are sounding about. I feel that Trump should have refrained from being promiscuous on the first count.
Me: I am not discussing ethics or lack of it. We know their track records, be it John F Kennedy and Marlin Monroe or Bill Clinton and lady Lewinsky who has gone on to pen a book. I am just thinking about why the porn star or any lady for that matter mating with a future US President, fails to grasp how best to capitalize on the opportunity presenting itself to them.
Amir: You are still speaking in riddles. I am not sure what you are talking about.
Me: Instead of asking for money or settling for a few million dollars, the woman should direct her energies on getting married to the prospective President. That will make sensational news and the entire world will enjoy the coverage.
Amir: How on earth such a scandalous piece of news is going to provide any enjoyment?
Me: Look at the bigger picture Amir. In the instance of Abraham Lincoln, they hailed it as a move from a Log cabin to the White House. In the instance our porn star gets married and becomes the first lady, we can have a sensational news headline “From Whore House to White House.”
Amir: What will be the image of America both in the eyes of the citizens and the global masses?
Me: I will update you about the image perception right from medieval times to the current government that happens to rule India. King David was a shepherd and the lowest in the hierarchy of professions. He was chosen to be the king of Israel. Currently, a tea vendor has been ruling our country for more than eight years. In none of these instances was there any stigma or opprobrium associated with the person in question assuming the hot seat. If you come up with a catchy heading, people will feel inspired.
Amir: I feel a bit amused at the comparisons you seek to draw. However, I fail to feel inspired by your statements. You need to elaborate.
Me: It’s just about the news angle you put in place. Let’s say you state: “The youngest lady from the oldest profession becomes First Lady of the United States.” Tons and tons of literature can be produced from this one line and many creative writers will get inspired to pen novels that make it an appealing theme.
Amir: (Chuckles) You are simply incorrigible!