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January 24, 2025

6 thoughts on “Sunday Mindgames: The 2nd Innings – Astachal to Astachal

  1. This is where we all miss out, not thinking about the 2nd Innings, as you rightly mentioned. And when it dawns on us, we are left twisting and turning not knowing what to do now that we have so much time in hand and zero responsibilities.

    When the time to go out and play the 2nd Innings draws near, one should start looking out for what one had missed doing during the Intermediate Innings. Things that were set aside being over-burdened with other earthly chores and responsibilities. But then, the weary mind and tired body wants to rest!

    It is this rest, this period of no fruitful occupation of time which brings about all the physical maladies which slowly consumes our life. Plan, when there still is time, and get going with implementing those plans when the time comes. Not a moment to waste!

  2. Very inspiring message depicted in two innings of life journey. Astachal becomes meaningful in the hope a Suryodaya but Astachal is a reality. P Shivanand, a great Motivational Trainer and a Trendsetter in Human Resource Development proves himself to be ‘GURU ‘ for ‘real life darshan’ for a meaningful and happy living. The ‘PDCA ‘principle for continuous improvement and the attitude of’ ‘Self -You’ are set as mantras for joyful living and not with selfishness but with altruism.Narrating insights from personal life -experiences coupled with guidelines for everybody, the author inspires us that Astanchal is equally relevant as Suryodaya when one have the right attitude to oneself, to others, to the nature, to the society and ultimately to Almighty God. Special appreciation to the author for the supplimentary quotes and photos which accelerate the message of the article.

    1. Rev Fr Josekutty
      Thanks so much for your kind words and liberal praise. I accept the same with utmost humility
      I am confident that with your blessings and encouragement I will improve as I move forward.
      The publishers of Global Bihari (GB) are keen to get you to write for GB. It could be a topic of your choice.
      Warm regards

  3. Kidding Sun

    Where has the sun gone
    Down the horizon?
    Hid from our eyes
    Leaving us under shadow
    Deepening, darkening into night?
    Or have we just been left behind
    The sun racing towards new horizons
    Ever unfolding, forever renewing?
    After all it has to travel everywhere
    Or put us into an illusion
    Where it stands still
    Hoolahooping us round and round
    It’s we who keep hurrying
    On and on, not the sun.
    It’s not the sun gone anywhere
    It’s we who are gone
    Gone past the sun
    Gone down the horizon
    Where the merry sun peeps again
    Look how he rises, how he smiles
    On the bright eastern horizon
    The ever playful, kidding sun.

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