New Delhi: India’s overall exports (Merchandise and Services combined) in April-February 2020-21* are estimated to be USD 439.64 Billion, exhibiting a negative growth of (-) 10.14 per cent over the same period last year. Overall imports in April-February 2020-21* were estimated to be USD 447.44Billion, exhibiting a negative growth of (-) 20.83per cent over the same period last year.

Imports in February 2021 were USD 40.54 Billion (Rs.2,94,985.04Crore), which is an increase of 6.96 per cent in Dollar terms and 8.86 per cent in Rupee terms over imports of USD 37.90Billion (Rs2,70,973.39Crore) in February2020.
Cumulative value of imports for the period April-February 2020-21 was USD340.80Billion (Rs.25,24,727.09Crore), as against USD443.24Billion (Rs.31,26,965.99Crore) during the period April-February 2019-20, registering a negative growth of (-) 23.11 per cent in Dollar terms and a negative growth of (-) 19.26 per cent in Rupee terms.
Major commodity groups of import showing negative growth in February2021 over the corresponding month of last year are:
– global bihari bureau