New Delhi: The Ministry of Labour and Employment has constituted an expert group for a period of three years, to provide technical inputs and recommendations on fixation of Minimum Wages and National Floor Minimum Wages, the Ministry stated here today.
The Expert Group is chaired by Prof Ajit Mishra, Director, Institute of Economic Growth. Prof Tarika Chakraborty, IIM Calcutta, Dr Anushree Sinha, Senior Fellow, NCAER, Ms Vibha Bhalla, Joint Secretary,Dr H. Srinivas, Director General, VVGNLI are the members of the Expert Group and Shri D.P.S. Negi, Senior Labour & Employment Advisor, Ministry of Labour & Employment is the Member Secretary.
The Expert group will give recommendations to the Government on Minimum Wages and National Floor Wage. To arrive at the wage rates, the group will look into the international best practices on the wages and evolve a scientific criteria and methodology for fixation of wages.
– global bihari bureau