By Swami Shivanand Saraswati* Life flows when rivers do! All life revolves around water. While water is...
Today’s Pick
By Swami Shivanand Saraswati* Life flows when rivers do! भूमिरापस्तथा वायुरग्निराकाशमेव च। गुणोत्तराणि सर्वाणि तेषां भूमि: प्रधानत:...
Photos and text By Rathin Das* Konark: An architectural marvel, the Sun Temple off the Bay of...
संस्मरण: गाँव की रामलीला –डॉ गीता पुष्प शॉ* हमारे गाँव में हर साल रामलीला होती है। गाँववाले...
Poem: From waywardness to the life divine By Vivekanand Jha (In the state of deep reflection on...
रविवारीय: गूगल बाबा – मनीश वर्मा ‘मनु’ गूगल को हम जितना जानने और समझने की कोशिश करते...
By Nandini Bhushan The picturesque and spectacular paradise of Kashmir is known for its breathtaking landscape. Its...
New Delhi/Gangtok: While 26 dead bodies have been recovered from various areas along the river Teesta in...
Tel Aviv/Washington/New York/Geneva: Dozens were killed and hundreds wounded in rocket attacks by armed Palestinian militants on...
कविता -रमेश चंद शर्मा कश्मीरियत जिसकी पहचान दुनिया में जिसका मान, साधु, संत, सूफी, पीर, फकीरों का...