Sunday Movie Alisha, a short film adapted from a Russian story is directed by journalist and film...
Mumbai: Having premiered outstanding originals across genres and languages, the OTT giant ZEE5 recently announced a unique...
IFFI 51 Taiwanese Director Chen-Nien Ko wins Best Director Award for The Silent Forest Tzu-Chuan Liu adjudged...
IFFI 51 After 60 years, Satyajit Ray’s Apu is returning to the big screen: Subhrajit Mitra Panaji:...
IFFI 51 “80% of Brazilian transgender students drop out of school, many are forced into prostitution” Panaji: ...
IFFI 51 Panaji: “In Bangladesh, we call the 1971 Liberation War as the People’s War. My film Meghmallar...
IFFI-51 Panaji: In his films, Dada Saheb Phalke always used local artists and propagated the inclusion of...
IFFI-51 Panaji: The 1970s saw influx of new ideas, new experiments and a new genre of action...
Panaji: The 51st edition of the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) got off with enthralling cultural performances...
New Delhi: The 51st Edition of International Film Festival of India today unveiled the list of films...