New Delhi: Marking a significant milestone in the collaborative efforts between the two Coast Guards, the Indian...
Vadodara: Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his counterpart from Spain, Pedro Sanchez, jointly inaugurated the Tata Aircraft...
Vasco da Gama: The Indian Coast Guard (ICG) simultaneously launched two Fast Patrol Vessels (FPVs) ‘Adamya’ and...
New Delhi/Kazan: The broad India-China consensus to resolve differences in certain areas along the Line of Actual...
The skies of India welcomed a new guardian, the Indian Air Force (IAF), on October 8, 1932....
Pokharan: The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has successfully flight-tested the 4th Generation Very Short Range...
New Delhi: The Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), along with researchers of the Indian Institute of...
New Delhi: In response to the devastating flash floods in Myanmar following Typhoon Yagi, the Indian Navy has...
New Delhi: It has been a day of multiple success for the Defence Research and Development Organisation...
Visakhapatnam: The second Arihant-Class ballistic missile submarine INS Arighaat was commissioned into the Indian Navy today and Defence Minister...