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By Lata Baisoya
Shimla: As many as 30 railway stations have been proposed to be constructed on the strategically important 475 Km long Bhanupalli-Bilaspur-Manali-Leh railway line — this world’s highest railway line.
State Transport Minister Govind Singh Thakur, who on Thursday presided over a review meeting of railway projects through video conferencing, said it was important to expand rail line from strategic point of view in state. He said that a survey would also be conducted with the help of radar for this railway line.
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The minister informed that keeping national security in view, an international agency had conducted 22 surveys through satellite image system for this strategically important railway line. He also directed the officials to complete all other formalities including land acquisition for this railway line soon.
Thakur also urged the officials of Railways and National Highway Authority of India to conduct a joint survey to check the incidents of falling of debris on the world heritage Kalka-Shimla railway line. He said that all security arrangements such as parapets and boundary walls would be made to prevent such incidents.
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